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High altitude affects on electronics. Advice?
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aaronpawlak is offline 

MessaggioInviato: Lun Apr 09, 2018 9:27 am    Oggetto:  High altitude affects on electronics. Advice?
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I would like to start off and say that I have been bouncing around ideas ranging from weather tracking to chemistry to astronomy but I think I've come up with something that I really would enjoy. My plan is to send a weather balloon into near space while carrying an electronic(s). Some issues I can see are temperature affecting the electronics but i plan to control the temperature the best I can. Also, the electronic short circuiting and catching on fire. I know that the higher we go up the pressure drops and so does air density. I think that, that will play a big role in affecting the electronic. Now another issue would be what electronic to actualy send up there, laptop computers seemed very interesting but a little too advanced for me. Maybe a simple circuit? A watch? Parallel circuit? Series Circuit? I would also like to measure it while it is in the air but I'm not sure what I should measure. I apologize if this is kind of just a ramble but I have a lot of ideas and would like to really focus on since my deadline is in march. Thank you for your time. Any advice at all to improve my project woulld be greately appreciated.

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


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MessaggioInviato: Lun Apr 09, 2018 9:27 am    Oggetto: Adv

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